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Real News – with a twist.

Real News — with a Twist.

A news platform turns gender roles upside down.

Gender inequality is so omnipresent, that it has become almost invisible — especially in everyday language and media representation. This news platform curates a diverse range of news articles, with one slight change: male individuals get referred to as female — and vice-versa. Suddenly, everything feels pretty weird to read.

The design references printed newspapers — but without imagery, instead featuring broad typography, juxtaposing traditional space-saving layouts.

Concept, Art Direction
Gerald Geier

Chiara Tagger

Lisa Schultz
Paulus Dreibholz
Eva Buchheim

Newspaper bag on display next to Austria’s biggest tabloid.
Newspaper bag on display in front of Vienna’s Hofburg Palace.
Person taking a printed newspaper out of a bag.
International press at display at a newsstand.
Person reading the printed newspaper.
Newspaper bag on display.

Discover more.

Remember the FutureShort Film, Speculative Fiction

Turning Crime into CraftInterdisciplinary


© Gerald Geier

Transforming Tomorrow Together.
